Did you know that Hitit is a company that relies on its human resources almost as much as its technological ones? Well, it's true! At Hitit, we are proud to have a team of talented and passionate professionals who share our commitment to excellence. Behind every successful project at Hitit is the spirit of teamwork that drives us forward and makes us stand out from the competition. Our strong team can make the impossible possible!
When the Covid restrictions started, it was during a very important cutover period and yet we managed to continue our work without interruption.

When the pandemic forced our communications to an online environment, we found ourselves faced with a strange working arrangement that was unfamiliar however even in such circumstances we continued working together and supporting each other. We persisted doing everything possible while others stopped believing anything was still possible. During this period, we successfully performed many cutovers.

Hitit’s Unique Working System

Meanwhile, we rebuilt and reworked our office space while our teams were working at home. We opened the doors of our office on 1st September 2021 and started to use the office on a voluntary basis. Currently, according to business processes, anyone can work from wherever they want. In other words, our working model is a 'Volunteer' system, not hybrid or remote, completely unique to Hitit.

34% growth at Hitit Team

Hitit continued to maintain its steady growth during the pandemic. Parallel to this growth, it increased the number of its employees by 34%. We continue to recruit new graduates, especially in the positions of software developers and business analysts. We are delighted to see that our new employees have adapted quickly to their teams and have become loyal to Hitit in this short time.

If you want to see how the impact of work done on the basis of dedication and volunteerism at Hitit, here are the impressive results:

•    While the 2021 “Informatics 500” list shows the average seniority as 2.7 years in the top 10 software companies -according to LinkedIn data- this figure is 4.7 years in Hitit, despite the fact that a large number of young talents have been recruited recently.
•    When we look at the middle-upper-level managers at Hitit, we see that the average Hitit seniority is nine years. This figure shows how successful Hitit is in preserving corporate memory.
•    According to the information provided by a prestigious consulting firm for 2021, the average turnover rate in technology companies has reached 25%, whereas in Hitit this rate was 9.6% for 2021.
•    Although we are a company operating in the technology sector, the fact that the staff in critical positions and their seniority are very high makes Hitit special and privileged. This success is due to the fact we have created and continue to maintain such a structure.

At Hitit, we believe that our human resources are just as important as our technological ones. That's why, when the pandemic hit and everyone was forced to work from home, we did everything we could to continue business as usual. And now, with our newly renovated office, anyone on our team can work from wherever they want- whether that's at home, in the office, or anywhere else in the world. Our Volunteer system is working well for us and during Covid we even increased the number of our employees. As a professional who has been working in the field of Human Resources for more than 25 years, I can sincerely say that if you're looking for a company that values its people and provides them with plenty of opportunities to succeed, look no further than Hitit.