At Hitit, we operate with an approach that integrates sustainability into our production, business processes and social projects. As we become more confident in our endeavors over the years, we utilize a portion of our revenue to give back to the society. With this perspective, the awareness of social responsibility that we have built on the foundation of sustainability is embedded in the DNA of our company.

At Hitit, we operate with an approach that integrates sustainability into our production, business processes and social projects. As we become more confident in our endeavors over the years, we utilize a portion of our revenue to give back to the society. With this perspective, the awareness of social responsibility that we have built on the foundation of sustainability is embedded in the DNA of our company. Ensuring the transition to a sustainable economy is one of our main goals. To this end, we strengthen our corporate capacity by integrating our environmental, social and governance (ESG) strategies into our company assessments. We rapidly adapt to global and local changes and implement a sustainability approach that is committed to society, the environment and ethical principles.
We adopt an approach that focuses on the needs of future generations while doing things that will benefit today’s society. By safeguarding culture, history and social heritage, we aim to act with equality and integrity in the global arena we serve, and to pass on this heritage from generation to generation.
We focus on reducing CO2 emissions and minimizing environmental impact through the opportunities offered by digitalization. We continue our efforts to align our operations with the Net Zero target without interruption. We evaluate our company’s carbon emissions and environmental impact footprint in accordance with national and international standards. In addition to analyzing Scope 1 and Scope 2 data, we cooperate with our partners to accurately determine Scope 3 data.
As a company that provides digital transformation to airlines and travel companies, we play an important role in monitoring and optimizing carbon emissions through our software solutions and help airlines effectively manage their environmental footprint.
Hitit’s Global Corporate Sustainability Initiatives

United Nations
Sustainable Development
Aligning our operations with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set out by the United Nations in 2015 is the main motivation for all our business and social processes. We carry out all our activities in a way to benefit areas such as gender equality, responsible consumption and production, quality education, healthy living, reducing inequalities, clean water and sanitation, and thus strive to make sustainability present in every aspect of life.

Hitit’s Corporate Sustainability
Efforts for a Global Impact
At Hitit, we are actively involved in global sustainability initiatives, supporting efforts to reduce environmental impact through programs like IATA’s NetZero policy and ICAO’s CORSIA framework. As a strategic member of IATA’s FlyAware platform, we promote sustainability knowledge-sharing and play a role in shaping the future of aviation technologies
Leveraging the opportunities provided by technology, we conduct R&D to help reduce the carbon footprint of the aviation sector, which is known for its high emissions. Additionally, we actively participate in national sustainability efforts. As a member of the Sustainable Aviation Platform—established by Turkish Airlines, Boeing, and Istanbul Technical University—we contribute to the development of the Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) roadmap.
Looking ahead, Hitit plans to further its commitment to a more sustainable aviation future by signing additional global sustainability agreements. Through these initiatives, we contribute to the UN’s SDGs, specifically Goals 7 (Affordable and Clean Energy), 12 (Responsible Production and Consumption), 13 (Climate Action), and 17 (Partnerships for the Goals).
Hitit’s Sustainability Policy

Sustainability Policy
In line with our core corporate values and ethical standards, we make it a point to consider the protection of people, society, and the environment in our operations to support social, environmental and economic sustainability.
You can access our policy from the link.

Sustainability Committee
Hitit has established a dedicated Sustainability Committee within its Board of Directors to oversee its environmental, social, and governance (ESG) efforts. This committee monitors and evaluates the company’s sustainability initiatives, supporting their implementation across all business functions. It also enhances internal awareness and integrate sustainability into the company’s image and investor relations. The committee is composed of members from the Board of Directors, the CEO, and C-suite leaders.
You can access the duties and working principles of the Hitit Sustainability Committee via the link.
The Hitit Sustainability Committee is supported by a wide range of sub-committees. All committees also include company volunteers.

Hitit’s Projects
for a Sustainable
We work with the awareness of our duty to society by transferring the contribution we make in the business world through technology to the social sphere. We realize many projects in line with the UN SDGs and continue our efforts in a wide range of areas such as sports, healthy living, environment, welfare, education and gender equality.

Hitit is committed to reducing its environmental impact and develops innovative technological solutions to combat climate change. We continuously work on projects to improve our environmental management system, protect the environment, and support sustainability. You can access our environmental policy via the link.
To achieve the Net Zero target set by the Paris Agreement, we measure our operations within the framework of the Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHG) with expert organizations – and strive to develop sustainable solutions in accordance with these standards. Additionally, we prioritize environmental projects and collaborations as part of our corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives. We cooperate with the TEMA Foundation for our corporate donations and gifts, contributing to the reafforestation efforts in our country.
Through these collaborations, we contribute to the UN’s SDGs, specifically Goals 1 (End Poverty), 3 (Health and Quality of Life), 6 (Clean Water and Sanitation), 15 (Life on Land), and 17 (Partnerships for the Goals)
Climate change is a global problem that affects all living things on Earth. We are aware of the economic and commercial risks it may pose, and we are taking concrete actions to mitigate these impacts.
Hitit develops digital solutions that enable airlines to monitor and optimize their carbon emissions. Our Crane Cost Accounting (Crane.CA) solution includes features for monitoring and optimizing carbon emissions in accordance with ICAO’s CORSIA guidelines. Through these features, we provide our partners with the ability to accurately estimate their emissions and optimize fleet/aircraft assignments, route planning, and schedules to minimize their environmental impact.
This allows airlines to take proactive steps in reducing their carbon footprint and supporting the aviation industry’s commitment to sustainability. The Crane.CA product is packed with features aimed at reducing the environmental impact of the aviation sector in which Hitit operates.
We are proud to contribute to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, specifically Goals 7 (Affordable and Clean Energy), 9 (Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure), and 13 (Climate Action) through the projects we have implemented.
We support initiatives to conserve biodiversity and promote environmental sustainability. We recognize that preserving the richness and diversity of species, genetic diversity, and ecosystems is essential for ecosystems to function, maintain their resilience over time, and provide crucial services for human life. With this understanding, we evaluate our activities’ impact on the environment and biodiversity, creating action plans to mitigate that impact accordingly.
Moreover, we go beyond unilateral and preventive measures like monitoring our activities’ impact on biodiversity; we actively participate in nature conservation and restoration projects to protect green areas and habitats. In this context, 27 bird species in Lake Seyfe have been protected by the International Council for the Conservation of Birds (ICBP), with efforts led by the Kırşehir Governorship. Seyfe Lake, a First Degree Natural Protected Area, is also safeguarded under the Bern Convention. Our cooperation with the Kırşehir Governorship for the reforestation of this area is ongoing. Through the ‘Bozkır Yeşeriyor’ project, we aim to support the sustainability of both local and global ecosystems by investing in biodiversity conservation.
With this project, we align our efforts with the UN’s SDGs, specifically Goals 13 (Climate Action), 15 (Life on Land), and 17 (Partnerships for the Goals).
We attach great importance to increasing energy efficiency both in our own operations and in the services we provide.
Wastes such as plastic, paper and batteries generated at our head office in Istanbul Technical University Teknokent are collected for recycling and sorted with appropriate codes, in cooperation with Teknokent Management. After this operation, the relevant wastes are included in the recycling processes in cooperation with the Sarıyer Municipality teams. As a technology company, we also continue to work on the recycling of electronic waste generated during our activities. Through the Sarıyer Municipality, our electrical and electronic equipment waste is recycled appropriately. By taking steps to reduce carbon emissions, we aim to consume less fossil fuel with the hybrid engine option taking preference to our company vehicle fossil fuel vehicle.
Our goal is to transition to a 100% electric company car in the near future. At the same time, we are encouraging employees to work remotely by making our work organization location-independent. As a result, the use of shuttle buses for office transportation has significantly decreased, leading to a considerable reduction in carbon emissions.
Energy consumption data (including natural gas, diesel, gasoline, LPG, coal, electricity, heating, cooling, etc.) are publicly disclosed under Scope 1 and Scope 2. Additionally, environmental indicators—such as greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 1: Direct, Scope 2: Energy Indirect, Scope 3: Other Indirect), air quality, energy management, water and wastewater management, waste management, and environmental impacts in relation to biodiversity—are also disclosed to the public in a periodically comparable manner.
In 2022, the amount of electricity purchased was 855.60 GJ, while the total energy purchased and utilized was 948.13 GJ. In 2023, the electricity purchased increased to 1,479.45 GJ, with total energy purchased and utilized reaching 1,573.33 GJ. We aim to improve energy efficiency by closely monitoring consumption and striving to reduce total energy use by 10% by 2030.
Through these efforts, we contribute to the UN's Sustainable Development Goals, specifically Goals 9 (Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure) and 12 (Responsible Production and Consumption).

We implement educational projects and support existing initiatives to empower and add value to future generations in the fields of technology, sports, and sustainability. We regularly contribute to schools that lack many resources due to income inequality, addressing the needs of primary, middle, and high schools. In addition to donating books, notebooks, and libraries, as a software company, we donate our old technological equipment to help bridge the digital divide. Through these contributions to quality education, we align our efforts with the UN’s SDGs, specifically Goals 4 (Quality Education) and 10 (Reducing Inequalities)
We also collaborate with universities, offer scholarships, and engage in academic cooperation by providing courses in aviation and technology. We aim to enhance the technical skills of vocational high school students, who face challenges in finding qualified jobs, enabling them to become employable in the field of aviation software. Additionally, we prioritize sustainability and quality in education by providing table tennis coaching training to teachers and initiating table tennis programs in schools through our support for Darüşşafaka and our corporate social responsibility project, “Rackets Up”.
We actively contribute to the Women in Technology Association (wTech), of which we are a proud member, through our sustainability, education, and research-measurement-focused efforts. In this context, we became the Education Sponsor of the Leading Women in Technology program, providing training in technology to young women across Türkiye.

We contribute to community health projects and participate in initiatives that promote access to healthcare. In particular, we support projects for children and contribute to the Pakistan Special Health and Rehabilitation Center of Al-Shifa Trust, which provides treatment and rehabilitation services to children with special needs. Additionally, we promote healthy living within our ecosystem by supporting our employees with sports teams, balanced nutrition, and well-being seminars. Thus, we align our efforts with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goal 3 (Good Health and Well-Being).
Additionally, by participating in the Plastic Lid Campaign organized by the Turkish Spinal Cord Paralytics Association, we have established lid collection centers at our headquarters in ITU Technokent. Through this collaboration, we contribute to the donation of wheelchairs to underprivileged individuals with disabilities, enabling them to move independently, explore freely, shop, and discover the world around them.

We aim to ensure equal access to sports for children through Rackets Up, which we have launched as part of our social responsibility projects for various segments of society. We believe that Türkiye can make a difference in the global arena of table tennis, and we support amateur and individual athletes. Our human resources policies also promote sports by providing our employees with opportunities to engage in team-building activities such as sailing, basketball, and volleyball.
Additionally, we contribute to environmental sustainability by supporting cycling, which helps reduce carbon emissions. We combine individual efforts with corporate contributions by encouraging our employees to participate in running competitions organized across Türkiye for fundraising purposes. Through these activities, we contribute to the UN’s SDGs 3 (Good Health and Well-Being), 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth), and 10 (Reduced Inequalities).

Rackets Up
Hitit has launched Rackets Up, the first and only sustainable social responsibility project in the field of table tennis in Türkiye.
Rackets Up is a special corporate social responsibility project that Hitit designed and actively implements independently from its social assistance programs for different segments of society. With this project, we aim to introduce children and young people to table tennis, to help them love this sport and to get them into the habit of doing regular sports. “Rackets Up”, created in partnership with the Turkish Table Tennis Federation, offers a comprehensive approach. It reaches students who do not have access to table tennis and encourages girls to participate in this sport; plus, both equipment support and professional table tennis training are offered in tandem. Detailed information about the project is available on the Rackets Up website.
With this project, we are aligning with the UN’s SDGs 3 (Health and Quality of Life), 4 (Quality Education), 5 (Gender Equality) and 10 (Reducing Inequalities).

Gender Equality
Hitit actively supports gender equality both within the company and in the aviation industry. As a signatory of IATA’s 25by2025 initiative, we are committed to achieving gender balance and reducing inequalities in the industry. We stand out as one of the companies with the highest ratios of female to male managers in the Turkish software industry.
We address equal opportunities for women and men in a way that sets an example not only in Türkiye but also globally. While reflecting this approach in our human resources policies, we also take on active responsibilities in cooperation with non-governmental organizations (NGOs). Through platforms such as the Sales Network and the wTech, we contribute to the education of women in STEM.
We prioritize young women in internships and recruitment and support their development by offering mentorship and scholarship opportunities. We are proud to be one of the supporters of the “100 Leading Women in Technology in the 100th Year of the Republic” project initiated by wTech. Through this project, we aim to provide more qualified training and mentoring opportunities to young women studying in STEM fields.
With our “Rackets Up” project, we strive to ensure equal participation of girls and boys in sports. Our most significant initiative in the airline IT sector is our support for IATA’s 25by2025 initiative. With our strong belief in diversity, equality, inclusion, and women’s presence in business, we actively contribute to the UN’s SDGs 5 (Gender Equality) and 10 (Reduced Inequalities).