Airlines provide air transport not only for the passengers, but for their baggage as well. However, from time to time passengers and their baggage may get separated, and there are costs incurred in locating the baggage and returning it to the passenger. These situations create a need for managing, controlling and monitoring the additional costs.

Crane BRI identifies and tracks the root causes of mishandled baggage, as it is integrated with the BRS system and allows airlines to keep track of the expenses incurred until the baggage is delivered to its owner.

Crane BRI improves operations and increases customer satisfaction by producing reports that monitor both the supplier and personnel performance.


Supplier Performance Monitoring

Crane BRI allows airlines to monitor their baggage handling supplier’s performance with in-depth analysis.


Cost Reduction

Crane BRI makes a root cause analysis to determine the expenses that airlines must cover due to baggage mishandling and ensures any costs incurred due to suppliers, are invoiced to these companies.


Airport Personnel Performance Control

In order to control the baggage handling service performance in each airport, Crane BRI provides information to the airlines.


Increased Customer Satisfaction

Baggage handling operations can be constantly monitored and improved by identifying problem areas, resulting in a decrease in mishandled baggage and an increase in customer satisfaction.




Integration with
BRS Systems




Key Features

  • Recording Costs
  • Detecting Source of Error
  • Detailed Reporting