Dear customers and friends of Hitit,
2016 was a great year for Hitit CS. We have accomplished numerous significant projects. Hitit obtained the highest level of certification by IATA for its NDC standard. We are now one of the few providers of airline technology to develop NDC services for inhouse and online distribution channels. Furthermore, we are proud that IATA recognized Hitit as one of the global providers of computerized reservation systems (CRS) and was accordingly assigned its own Designator Code.
We are more than happy to welcome five new customers in our strong family: Air Namibia, Precision Air, Nouvelair, APG Airlines and Turkmenistan Airlines joined us as new precious airline partners in 2016. We at Hitit have established a warm relationship with over forty customers. Our strength comes from every single partner. Together we will improve and continue to develop the best technologies.
Last June we joined with Vayant to integrate their shopping and pricing solution with Hitit’s PSS. This will lead to a powerful combined solution for our partners. The same month our founder and CEO Nur Gokman was awarded by Microsoft with the “Women Leaders of Technology Award”.
Thank you very much for being our partner in 2016. We wish you a wonderful year’s end and hope to see you again in 2017, maybe on one of the many airline events we will attend.