The last quarter of 2018 has been a period that has focused on mobile developments for Hitit. We have had a busy schedule developing a new branch which will devote itself to trends in the mobile world and enhance the quality of the mobile experience for our partners. Keeping up with Millennials is a must for all companies especially airlines; given that a significant number of travellers consist of Millennials and their substantial use of mobile technology. Airlines cannot ignore and isolate themselves from trends in the mobile world, and airline IT companies will not re-invent the wheel because mobile has been on the industry’s agenda for at least a decade.



In the current situation, bringing a new insight will be key to improving the travel experience of passengers. High expectations from passengers can be a challenge for the aviation community as they are forced to constantly improve to meet those demands. Hitit wants to have a complete and thorough understanding of passengers and their preferences to ensure they receive tailored products and services that best fit their needs.





You can read how Hitit is working to build its mobile approach at: